Labels:text OCR: INSTALLATION for DUKE Insert the CD into the CD-ROM In the program manager go to the CD-ROM Drive (Example:D:) and Run: "INSTALL.EXE' After Installation, type "DUKE" in DOS mode to play IF YOU ARE HAVING TECHNICAL PROBLEMS - MAKE A BOOT DISKIII How to make a Boot disk In the DOS prompt go to the directory "C, DUKE" [Example: Type "cd c:\duke") Type "BOOTDISK. EXE" and follow the Instruction COMMANDS and FUNCTIONS - PICKUP OBJECTS S - DROP OBJECTS, THEN PRESS RETURN 1-9 - TO SWITCH WEAPONS BOMB SELECT BOMB ICON THEN PRESS RETURN TO DROP BOMB THEN 'B' TO IGNITE P - PAUSE, HIT 'P' AGAIN TO PLAY K - WALK THROUGH WALLS ALT+G - CHEAT MODE ARROW KEYS - TO MOVE LEFT, RIGHT, UP, AND DOWN ESC - BRINGS YOU BACK TO THE MAIN MENU SPACE BAR - SHOOT